Thursday, March 22, 2007

WOW ... what an ending

I just got done reading To Kill A Mockingbird and I was somewhat disappointed when it ended I liked how it was going and had noticed that Scout has matured a lot over the book and just through the last few chapters even. I liked the way that Harper Lee made it seem like Scout was still a little kid by her having Atticus read a bedtime story to her when she was falling asleep. I especially liked this way to end it since Scout had matured so much and then she seemed like a little kid again. But it's not like Scout should have to be very mature since she is still only like 8 years old. I thought it was weird that Harper Lee would have it end without Scout seeing Boo Radley again. My picture is supposed to represent the fact that I am done with my book and closing it and wont be looking at it again. Tell me what you thought of the ending of the book and whether you liked it or not.

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