Friday, March 16, 2007

The Yarn, I know what it means!

Sience reading up to the point that we have reached, i have figured this book out. The title, that everyone was so confused about, says that to kill a mockingbird is a sin, so the book tells not to sin? Well im not sure on that one, but now we also know what the watch and the yarn in the tree on the cover stand for. This book is turning into a great read. Ill admit, that Im not as caught up as id like to be but oh well, ill get there.


Eliza101 said...

so enlighten me what do the yarn, gum and wrist watch symbolize?

Stella_in_color said...

well I mean that i realize why the yarn and the wrist watch are on the cover not exactly the meaning.

Eliza101 said...

oh well good job!!

Lacy Jo said...

Thanks for the comment. I have to agree I am not as caught up as I wish I was but im slowly but surley going to make it there.