Friday, March 23, 2007

Standing in Somone's Shoes.

So Ms. James told us to blog about one of the topics she provided in her blog. I chose to talk about "the best way to understand someone is to stnad in his/her shoes." I chose this topic because i totally believe this is true. In numerous occasions I find myself saying, "why is that person doing that or saying that." But then I realize that, that person may have to do those things or maybe those things are normal to him/her. So I just try and put myslef in their shoes even though sometimes that doesnt even work for me. What do you all think? :)


Anonymous said...

i agree, i try to do that as well, and it helps me to be a better person

Scarlett_Rose said...

I think you can stand in someone's shoes without walking around. Just because you try something, doesn't mean it works. In this case, it would be trying to understand someone else, and in that case senario, all you can do is guess.