Friday, March 2, 2007

10 Things About Me

1. When I was 11, I got lost in Dominican Republic
2. When I was 4 I was at a Pizza Hut in Kansas City, and a guy came in with a mask and a rifle and held the gun up to my mom's nose and then robbed the restraunt.
3. I can't stand to be around the same people for more then a couple of days. Once im done hanging out with them I will lock myself in my room to get away from people for awhile.
4. I've hung out Terry Bradshaw's daughters.
5. I almost died when I was 13. I was in Cabo San Lucas and the undertow pulled me under. ( turns out 2 weeks before we came, someone had died from the same undertow. )
6. I was in a dance class with one of the finalist on "So You Think You Can Dance."
7. Last year I was walking up my stairs and I tripped on a stair and hit the wall and broke my nose.
8. My cousins lived with me for four years.
9. I cracked my head open when I was four.
10. I'm really scared of air soft guns, fires, needles, and weapons of any kind.

1 comment:

KuroiKisu said...

Wow you seem to have a really interesting life! I could not imagine what you might have been through!