Friday, March 2, 2007

25 Things About Me

My favorite color is pink or red, the color of roses, my favorite flower and middle name.
In 2nd grade, I was afraid my parents were going to divorce.
In 6th grade, I told my one of my friends that is was only a matter of time before my parents divorced, weeks before they did.
My neighbor and friend cornered me and my younger cousin in the corner of a garage where the door meets the frame, with a pocket knife.
My nicknames are Biscuit Head and Road Kill.
My girl cat, named Woody, was born in a tree.
In 1st grade, I was reading 2nd grade level material to my classmates.
My parents wanted to put me in the gifted program in 1st grade, for reading only, but the person in charge wouldn’t put me only in reading.
When I was getting ear tubes put in, they had to use the kind that anchor because the ear the surgeons were working on, the ear tube would fall out before the got the other one in.
While in surgery, for ear tubes, I woke up for about 5 seconds, and then went back to sleep, the surgeons never knew, and my mom doesn’t believe it.
I had ear tubes in from 1-5 grade because I had strep throat every year, and I had to wait until there was a year when I didn’t.
I lived in three different houses and two different towns in 6th grade.
I used to talk to my reflection from the oven.
I used to treasure the fact that I was saved at the same age my pastor was.
I want to find a way to hear people’s thoughts.
I think of my life as a book, because then my life seems less real.
I used to believe that during fire drills, the school lit fires.
I used to think there were minute little men in my head, with filing cabinets, that had to clean my mind. When I was being scattered-brained, the men hadn’t cleaned in a while.
I collect porcelain dolls and collectable Barbie’s.
I remember maybe nine things from before the age of 11.
I love Disney movies and very few things above “Pg”.
I used to plan on making a banner that read “Harvard & Yale” to hang above my bed.
I’m deathly afraid of heights. I freak out if I on a 12 feet tall ladder, and if I’m up from ground level, I look up and the ceiling is within 10 feet of my head, I freak out, look down, and try not to gag.
I have a dream of going to a ball and meeting my true love, like in fairy tales, even today.
If I see a book on my mom’s bookshelf that is fairly thick, I determine to read it. I started to read “War and Peace” at the age of ten, because I saw it on her bookshelf in our living room.


never_give_up said...

Did you finish War and Hate?

Scarlett_Rose said...

Not yet, I haven't even started. I'm still working on my 1st book.

cavalierschick said...

wow, War and Peace? That's a thick book. If you end up reading that, let me know how that goes.

Scarlett_Rose said...

Will do, cavalierschick. I'm almost done with my book that I'm reading now, so in another, 432 pages, I'll be starting War and Peace. After that, me and one of my friends have a deal that she'll read the book I'mreading now, and I'll read Pride and Predjudice.

ice skate dreamer said...

I collect porcelain dolls, too. How many do you have?

Scarlett_Rose said...

I think around 20ish.

bumblebee15 said...

I had ear tubes put in twice. Both fell out. I also had strep throat every year during Feb. in elementary school. Now I can't ear normal out of my left ear and I am going to surgery again because my left eardrum didn't heal. I have never met anyone at school who even knows what ear tubes are.

Scarlett_Rose said...

Oh, I'm so very very sorry, bumblebee15. One of my other friends had ear tubes before, too. In 1st grade, when I would ask my teacher a question, she had to shake her head yes or no because I couldn't hear her when I was within a ft. of her. When I would talk, I would shout because I didn't know how loud I was being. Ear tubes are horrible. When is your surgery?

lild7hinascc said...

Yeah, I would also prefer to go to somewhere else. But the cruise was free so can't complain. :D Thats gotta suck that you had strep throat for 5 grades.

Scarlett_Rose said...

Free is always good. Yeah, no kidding. It was not fun to say the least. Actually, I always got ice cream out of it, so can't complain to much, right?