Saturday, March 31, 2007

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

Well Ms. James asked us to blog about one of the topics that she had listed in her blog. I chose to blog about the second choice. The second bullet is states that "Most people are likable once you get to know them." I strongly agreee with this. If you are like most people then you make conclusions about people just by looking at them. I know I do sometimes even though I don't mean to.

This ties in with the book because Scout, Jem, and Dill were drawing to conclusions about Boo Radley without getting to know him. However when they did get to know him, they found out that he was actually a nice person.

So let me ask you:

Have you ever judged someone by how they look and then ended up being wrong about them when you got to know them?

I think the world would be better if people didn't judge people on first sight but instead got to know the person they were judging.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I have done that before. I thought this girl was one big snob. She just had that smug look about her. So I got to know her and actually ended up being best friends...until she moved to Georgia.