Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Emmett Till Murder

That was the face of Emmett Till when he was murdered. His mother decided

to have an open coffin because she wanted people to see what happened to him.

Because of "Double Jeopardy" the men couldn't get tried again. That makes me

Sick to my stomach.


(Not Sure where we are really at in TKAM, because I'm stupid and I read ahead. So If you Don't want it spoiled...don't read this.)

So, Tom Robinson's trial made me utterly angry, racism was so big in the south and no one

really did anything about it. They put Mr. Walter Cunningham on the Jury so that he could

do something about the trial, so that Tom would have an equal standing at not being guilty.

The outcome of the trial was not called for, Tom was innocent until he said that he felt sorry for

Mayella Ewell.

They SHOT Tom Robinson in the back because they said that he was trying to run away.

Why would you shoot someone in the back SEVENTEEN times to stop them from running

away? They didn't shoot to stop, they shot to kill. That just makes me so angry.

So the end of the book is coming soonnnnn...

* What do you think about Emmett Till's case?

*What did you think about the Trial?

*What do you think about the outcome of TKAM?
If you want to learn more.


Eliza101 said...

ok so that picture was really scarry i was freaked out what happened to him that made him look like that

mellofelloet said...

Well i dont want to really say what happened to Emmet on here because it is way to graphic but you should check out that site that Ms. James had put on heer site.

Scarlett_Rose said...

The no good dirty cowards who can kill a 14 year-old boy, no matter what he's done to them, deserve to be locked up in a one room building, with nothing but a straw pallet. They should be given food once a week and if their smart, they'll make it last. Once a week, they should be taken in a car, with armed guards on the outside, to the family that they mercilessly took a child from, so they can see the destruction they left behind, but the family should not know, unless they wanted. They should be given nothing, no books, t.v., nothing fun, nothing. Some would say they deserve death by the way they took a life, however, contrary to popular belief, there are worse things than death. For instance, if you're dead, everything lies with you. Your conceince, breath, life, and ability to see the disaster you left in your wake. If you're left alive, you can be tortured, humiliated, and concience eaten from the inside out. You can tear yourself apart until there's not a shread of you left. Dead, you couldn't. Accidental murder, like in a car wreck or something, is different, but purposeful murder, is just cruel. There are many things that could be considered cowadrice, but killing a child, that's at the top of the list.

Anonymous said...

Wow some strong feelings there Scarlet! :)

Scarlett_Rose said...

Yeah, I get that from my grandma!! You think I'm mental, right?