Friday, March 23, 2007

The End....

I think that the book had an Great ending. I really didn't like the fact that Tom had to die, I really thought everything was going to end up good for him, so when I was reading that he got shot 17 times just because he tried to escape, I got really mad. They apparently were just trying to kill him and not trying to prevent him from escaping. That was really stupid. But I think Harper Lee did a really good job tying the story together at the end, just knowing the Boo Radley could see everything was pretty cool, but I can't see why he wouldn't speak up if he saw what actually happened. I'm glad the book is over and I probably won't pick it up again for a long time.


Lacy Jo said...

I tottally agree with you. I also was mad to find out that Tom did not make it. I most defianlty will not pick this book up again for a while!

SHS21 said...

I think the reason Harper Lee had Tom die was because she didnt want to have to write out about the appeal process and if he was proven innocent

mygame_tennis16 said...

yeah i probably won't read this book again, but i still think it was a good experience and that the book was really good.