Friday, March 23, 2007

The Finishing Touch!

O yea the ending is finally here! I enjoyed reading the book but it is not a book I would ususally choose. I like books that consist of characters more my age, this way I can connect with the book more. I also like books that have situations that I can realate to. The more intersting the book the more I enjoy reading it. I liked how that Harper Lee tied the book together at the end, but to me it was confusing at times as to what was going on. I also thought the ending was a little upsetting becasue I did not thing Tom was going to get killed, but it made the book a little more interesting. I thought the book had a slow begginning but picked up and ended up being an ok book. I do not believe I will be reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" again any time soon. On the other hand I hope you all enjoyed the book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was super exciting whenever we finished the book