Friday, March 2, 2007

25 Things about Me!

I met Tara Lipinski and Michael Kwan in third grade at an ice skating show. From there, or until I got tired of it, I was going to be a professional ice skater.

I absolutely love the DCI Cavaliers (The Men in Green) and the Santa Clara Vanguard Drumline. (This picture is from the 2007 show MACHINE.)

I danced for almost 9 and 1/2 years.

I despise techno music with all of my heart.

Playing instruments is second nature to me. In two weeks I can play an instrument at an intermediate level (on average).

I’ve never broken a bone before.

Despite my lack of interest for sports, I love playing tennis and running.

I want to major in music education and teach band at the high school and middle school level.

My 6th grade band director wouldn’t let me be in the percussion section of the band because it was a “boy dominated section.”

I love to read and on average I finish a book a week.

When I get out of high school, I want to take a few years off and travel with a first class DCI group in the frontline section.

I love Broadway musicals! I normally go see two touring professional groups a year and at least 4 or 5 amateur groups.

Growing up, I wanted to be a veterinarian, ballerina, doctor, ice skater, and 1st grade teacher.

Along with teaching band, I want to be a marching and percussion tech in college and be in the college drumline either in the frontline or in the battery.

My first year of drumline here at Kickapoo high school, I made 3rd part Marimba, which is a lead part for this show.

I hate needles, but I want to get my ears pierced again.

I cracked my head open when I was really little on a ceiling fan.

I love music, but I hate to sing. (Even though I am in choir and have been for an extremely long time.)

I’ve never traveled outside of the United States.

I love purple grapes, but hate raisins or anything grape flavored.

I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.

My mom and my sister look identical and I look more like my dad and grandma than anyone else.

When I was little, I liked to take all of the books and other things on low shelves and throw them onto the floor or hide them in other rooms.

My favorite snack is peanut butter and pretzels.

I love to read classic literature books.


mellofelloet said...

NICE, but you could do better than the Cavilers, i mean there is the Phantom Regiment! But other than that nice post.

Stella_in_color said...

wow i saw Machine on espn and it was awsome!!

Erin said...

I can read a book in about a week also. I can read a 650 page book in a day if I have nothing else to do. You are pretty limited to what you can do in your powerless house during an ice storm.

notre_dame_bound said...

I can't believe that you despise techno. Oh well i guess you like what you like. Good job on you post!!

notre_dame_bound said...

yeah I write music for my band. I am the lead vocalist and play guitar. I also write the drum part. My bandmates and I write the bass and lead guitar parts and we leave the solos to our lead guitarist.

Anonymous said...

I think the book is one of the best books I have ever read, and it is worth reading. I did hear about the interview with Oprah and how he said that he made up some of the events...which really sucks. He even said he did in the Note To Reader section of the book, he said that most of the stories were true he just made them into a bigger deal then they really were...or something along those lines.

Scarlett_Rose said...

Oh, my, gosh!!!! I'm afraid I'd be having a hissy fit if a band director told me that. My mom and grandma would have had me arguing the point claiming he was being sexist. I can't believe a teacher would say that to a student...wait, yes, I can. I think it's extremely sad and disturbing when we live in a world where a teacher can say that. Did anything happen to him?
Surprisingly, I danced that long, too. Which, looking back, that is purely amazing, because I am the one of least graceful person ever.
Growing up I wanted to be: a teacher, doctor, lawyer, dancer, stay at home mom, fashion designer, preschool teacher, writer, and poet, all at the same time. Cracking my head on a ceiling fan is something I would do. Actually, I wouldn't make it to the ceiling fan, more-than-likely, I'd hit the ceiling.
What's your favorite musicals? I was supposed to go see Beauty and The Beast for my birthday one year, but I wound up getting sick and staying in bed all evening, my cousin went instead.