Saturday, March 17, 2007

just some thoughts

When I heard this story was a love story I was picturing a girl and a guy falling in love. I read the post that was recently made. It's a few posts before mine. Anyways, it had to do with the same topic. When I started to read to Kill a Mockingbird I had no idea what it was about. I also thought it was going to be one of those boring books that teachers make us read. I was surprised at how much I actually like it. It's still not one of my favorite books, but it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I don't really see the love story that I thought was going to be there either. I see the love in a family and father who tries to show love to everyone. He stands up for others, when no one else will. I think Atticus is a great father, no matter what his sister thinks. He doesn't force Scout to be something she's not. I like that about him. He likes Scout just the way she is, even if she isn't what society would want her to be. I'm hoping the book will continue to suprise me and get better. This was just a random post on my thoughts of the book.


never_give_up said...

the end will definetly surprise you, atleast it surprised me. hope that doesn't give anything away, i don't think it does. i didn't get the love story at first, but now i do. It's not waht i thought it would be at all, it is a lot better.

Lacy Jo said...

Thanks for the comment!...Also I have to say I strongly agree with you. I thought the book was going to be dull but it is picking up and I am glad to see you are becoming interested in it to. I also agree about Atticus being a great father! I know I know i would never want my parents to push me to do something that I didn't want to do.