Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On the last stretch

I can't believe that we are almost done with this book. I was looking at our reading log and we are finishing the book this week. I for one am loving the book. I loved the trial. I was disappointed though when Scout left with Dill when he felt sick. I wanted to stay with the trial even if it was just waiting on the jury. I am not really thrilled with Aunt Alexandria right now. She kind of gets on my nerves. She should not be worried about the kids going to the trial this is their town now hers. Once their father found out he said they could come back so it wasn't a big deal to him and it shouldn't be a big deal to her.
Another part I found interesting in the book was when Dill and Scout were out talking to Mr. Raymond, and they found out that he wasn't drinking alcohol in his paper sack but it was just coca-cola. I thought this was really weird. I mean why would you want people to think you were a drunkard. What did you guys think about that part of the book?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that Mr. Raymond acts like he's drunk so that the town will have an excuse for why he married a colored woman. For most of Maycomb, they just don't understand why anyone would associate with a black person. Instead of trying to explain ( when he would be an outcast anyway), he just acts wasted. Then the town can just say that he is under the influence of alcohol.