Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Save Darfur

There is a serious issue going on in Africa right now. There is a genocide taking place in Darfur right now. This situation is not well known. This civil war is between the Janjaweed and the Sudanese. Since it is not well known, I felt that it was important to bring it up. We are not doing enough to stop this. If we gave 1% of our budget, which is slightly less than the $1 trillion dollars we spend in Iraq, then we could help Sudanese refugees who each day face the trouble of murder, violence, rape, and constant fear. My friend made a WikiHow on it and you could also check this website to learn about this horrendous event. Even though it is not directly related to what we are doing in English, I felt the need to bring it up. I honestly don't see it as butting in. Were we butting in in WW2 when Hitler was commiting genocide against the Jewish population? I think of this as a moral issue rather than a political issue. This tribal ethnic cleansing needs to be stopped. A cry for help and a response to help is not considered as butting in.


never_give_up said...

That is really interesting, I had no idea. We should do something about it.

NYC ShowbizDancer said...

Although this sounds very important, how crucial is it that Americans step in and help? What if we do, and get criticized once again for being the "World Police" and trying to solve everyones problems like people say we are doing in Iraq? I think it's a good idea to give them a larger percent of our money, but as far as physically going in to help, that is where we should draw the line if we don't wan't another war to occur.

Erin said...

We are not going to be World Police, because the victims are pleading for our help. I'm not talking about full scale war, I'm talking about some financial assistance and political negotiation since the Sudanese government is corrupt and helpless. If people ask for your help and they need it, would you just ignore them? I really hate how this situation is being ignored. Check out the links for more information though.

Erin said...

Also, we chose on our own accord to go to Iraq. I am talking about an act of charity and humanity.

Eliza101 said...

The way that I look at it is if we don't do anything about it than whats to stop them from killing other people. I personally think that we have gotten to envolved in Iraq and that we need to think about other problems that are happening like global warming and things like that. If we don't fix those problems now then there would be no more point in even being at war in the first place.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

Ya I have heard some stuff about this issue. I read on a website if Americans don't start helping soon it could turn into another Holocaust. I think we need to start raising money and get more people involved to stop it.

Leroy Jenkins said...

The Sudanese Government is corrupt and worthless, we are just as much of the problem if we don't help, only countries like Canada or France wouldn' help because they care nothing of these "3rd world" countries and places; therefore, it's our duty to help these people who so desparately need it.

Anonymous said...

I'm half and half on this topic, I feel like we should help. But I also think that we might get critized for butting into other people's business like in Iraq. Good post though.