Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring Break

I'm realy excited that we get another week of. It will be nice to catch up on all the lost sleep since Christmas. I am being forced to go to Chicago. I don't really want to go I'd much rather go to Colorado, like I did last year, but this year I have to go to Chicago. I will really enjoy relaxing and not having to worry about school work or homework though. Where is everyone going for Springbreak?


~ima dumb blonde~ said...

that sounds fun chicago is a really cool place. i'm going on a cruise to the Carribean!!! woo hoo party!

Anonymous said...

You are all so lucky. The farthest away I am going is Branson for a Volleyball tournament. It's still better than school though. Have fun in chicago and the carribean.

Eliza101 said...

I get to go no where fun fun!! I am going to spend a lot of time with my friends though.

1dayi'llfly said...

Aww. I was going to go on a cruise, but I'm going to florida now. Chicago should be fun. What are you doing there?

Lacy Jo said...

Hey I hope you have a great Spring Break! The first few days of srping break I am going to spend it down at my family's Lake house and work on it to get it ready for the summer. The ending of spring break I will be in St. Louis visting family. Havwe a great srping break!

lild7hinascc said...

Wow Chicago. I'm not going anywhere, at least not that I know of. Hope you all have a good break.

gobluedevils042 said...

YOur right Chicago sucks. I feel sorry for you.

gobluedevils042 said...
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brownboy said...

i am going to my house for spring break and it is going to be awesome. I am going to be sleeping the whole time.

notre_dame_bound said...

I went to Chicago in 2003 for the All Star Game. That was fun, I saw a guy get mugged and I saw a crazy guy. I have to stay home this spring break. My band has to practice for a gig we are going to have over the summer. we have to write some new songs and that fun stuff. Oh yeah and I'm getting my wisdom teeth cut out. Woot!! That should be a whole lot of fun. NOT!!

Anonymous said...

wow. im jealous.
im going to Kansas City and Still Water Oklahoma...