Friday, March 2, 2007


- I once stayed awake for 31 hours with no caffeine
- In the first half of my 4th grade year, I was making failing or below average grades in all of my classes
- Later on in my 4th grade year, I wrote my first self-inspired story/mini book
- I was in honor choir in 5th grade
- I won first place in my 8th grade spelling bee at the LAD fair; I didn't even look over the word list beforehand
- I used to stay up later on weekends and days off when I was young than I do now when I'm older (weird)
- I have never been to church except at the Catholic school I went to; we had to have mass every wednesday and friday
- I have always brought my lunch, rather than buying it
- My favorite kind of books are fantasy books; they get me engrossed unlike any other genre
- I have never been injured or broken a bone in my life.


Scarlett_Rose said...

Ok, one: I would DIE if I stayed up for 31 hours with no caffine. Two: the latest I have stayed up is 7:00 a.m., when me and my cousin stole half a dozen doughtnuts from my kitchen, ad stayed up. We went to sleep only because we got bored. I can't stay up all that late unless I have friends over or I'm reading a book.

CrazyDay said...

I don't remember how I did it. I remember seeing and hearing things, it was kinda neat. It was hard to even see or anything though.

Whenever I spend the night at my grandparents (very rarely now), I usually can't go to sleep. I end up staying up all night, and usually don't take a nap the next day. So I pull 24 hours+ ocassionally there.

Erin said...

The latest I can stay up for is 24 hours. I did that once and it was my birthday on a Sunday. I accidentally fell asleep during church and I got away with it even though normally I would totally get in trouble.

lild7hinascc said...

Wow 31 hours that's quite a lot, maybe I should try that.