Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tom Robinson vs. Mr. Ewell

First off, I would like to say that I am really enjoying the book. It started off kind of slow, but now I can't put it down. The trial is what is the most interesting part to me. It shows how racist people in the south were back then. There was an all white jury, a white judge, and white lawyers. How is a black man supposed to defend himself in those kind of circumstances? It doesn't seem fair. By the way Mayella answered her questions, it appeared as though her father, Mr.Ewell, is more to blame than Tom Robinson. When Atticus asks her ," Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your father?" and Mayella does not reply that sends me the message that Tom Robinson is innocent and Mr.Ewell is abusing his own daughter.

What do you think? Is Tom Robinson innocent?
Does Mr.Ewell really beat Mayella?


Anonymous said...

ya i agree

mygame_tennis16 said...

I think Mr.Ewell is the guilty one.

Anonymous said...

check out the sweet picture

Scarlett_Rose said...

I've formed a theory that Mr. Ewell (which by the way, I find a very strange name) has told his daughter HIS story, that he's told her exactly what to say, and she's faltering.
"How is a black man supposed to defend himself in those kind of circumstances?" They weren't, that was the point. Whites back then were so dead set against blacks, they didn't stand a chance, and so even when blacks were equal, they were guilty, because that's what the whites decided. Not to mention the fact, blacks had very little education, so if whites decided they would out smart them, the blacks would be no help in contradicting the accuser. (sp?)

never_give_up said...

Mr.Ewell is definetly guilty. he beats and rapes his daughter. remember in robinson's testimony when he said that mayella said she never kissed a grown man, and then she said something along the lines of what my father does doesn't count. really really gross.

Leroy Jenkins said...

Mr. Ewell is incest. Ew(ell).