Thursday, March 22, 2007


Okay, I know I just posted but I have to get one more in for Friday's assignment because I'm not going to be in class. From what I understand the assignment is to blog about one of my free reading books that I read this quarter and make a connection about it from what we've done so far in class. The book that I've chosen is called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. This is my all time favorite book and I suggest that everyone goes out and reads it. The main character, Bella, ends up meeting this guy Edward, but little does she know that he's far from human. Actually, he's dead; the living dead to be more precise. Edward is a vampire and for Bella's sake wants nothing to do with her. It's a very interesting plot because besides that fact that he could kill her in a heartbeat, she still loves him with all of her heart. To Bella, their differences do not exist. Looking back on that now, it reminds me of To Kill A Mockingbird. One of the main struggles in the book is for Jem and Scout to found out exactly who Boo is. After many attempts to lure him out of the house and eventually giving in, they come to find that Boo is no different than them. Boo is just as human as the rest of them and there's nothing sinister about him. That's also the same with Edward. Despite his cold facade that he's built up to protect Bella, he's just as human as she is. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout and Jem learn to love Boo for who he is instead of fearing him because of what they don't know. The same is in Twilight. Bella continues to love Edward despite his vampire ways. I guess, it's more of a reversal with Twilight and To Kill A Mockingbird because the kids find out that Boo is really as human as them and learn to love him and Bella finds that despite their differences she still loves him. Either way, the moral is the same. Loving people shouldn't be hard at all. We're the ones that put up the barriers and block people away just because they are different.

1 comment:

mellofelloet said...

I have heard alot about that book mostly from you and another budy of mine. Anywho, I hope to get a chance to read it now that I have finished Mochingbird. Great post.