Friday, March 2, 2007

20 Things About Me

1. I'm really clumsy.
2. I love going to church.
3. I'll try any food no matter how gross it is.
4. I'm young enough to be in eighth grade.
5. I hate snakes and spiders.
6. My dream vacation is to tour Scotland and Great Britain. I want to see London, Yorkshire, Birmingham, Brighton, West End, Stratford, Stonehenge, Wales, and Ediburgh.
7. I would love to play curling, because that's the coolest Olympic sport ever.
8. I love any movies that have British humor in them.
9. My favorite kind of weather is 72 degrees, cloudy, and now wind at all.
10. Napoleon Dynamite is not a stupid movie.
11. My favorite television show is "The Office".
12. Penguins are my favorite animal. They are so cute.
13. Maath is something that I will never get the hang of.
14. I want to be a lawyer when I grow up.
15. I'm still hoping for The Beatles to get back together, even if two of them are dead.
16. I own twenty pairs of flip flops and they are all from Old Navy.
17. I love to sing.
18. I don't have any sisters.
19. Alan Rickman and Johnny Depp are my favortie actors.
20. Jimmy Fallon is in love with me. He just doesn't know it yet.


Scarlett_Rose said...

On your dream vacation, can I come with you.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with 15, John Lennon is one of my many heroes and it would be awesome if the beatles came back, even though its not possible

Lacy Jo said...

I have to agree with you on some of those! I hate spiders and snakes, and I am also very clumsy at times to! :)

Erin said...

Yeah. John was always my favorite.

mellofelloet said...

Hey, I am old enough to be in eigth grade too. i also agree with the thing about spiders and the dream vacation.

bumblebee15 said...

Penguins ARE Awesome!!!!!! I Love to watch "Happy Feet".

cavalierschick said...

Oh, I bet I could read that many pages too in one day but anymore my time is very limited. But then again, who does have that amount of time when not freezed into their house? Nice post. :]

Lacy Jo said...

Hey thanks for the comment!..yea its a really good book :)