Monday, March 12, 2007

The Mockingbird

So reading more and more of this book makes me think that it isn't so bad after all. Now don't get me wrong, it's not the best book that I have ever read but it's not the worst. Most of the time in this book I have found that I really don't understand things as well as other books that I have read. Many of the words are definitely words that I do not use in my every day grammar but they have taught me many things. A lot of the really famous/classic books are some of the ones that start really slow but end up being really good books and I'm sure this will be another one of them.

As for my free reading book, right now I am reading another classic book called A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. This book is about the French Revolution and the "best of times and the worst of times." I have not got very far but from what I have read of it, it is a really good book. Have any of you read this book? If you have, what did you think of it? Was it easy to follow? And did you like it? I really don't even know what made me want to read it, I guess that it looked good when I read the back!!


~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I agree with you about Mockingbird, I am starting to like it alot more and I can actually understand what the author is saying!

cavalierschick said...

I could not follow that book at all. I got about half way through it and then gave up. But then again, I'm not a very big Charles Dickens fan. Actually, I don't like him at all. Personally, if I'm going to sit down and read a classic, it's going to be something like Dante or Shakespeare. Isn't A Tale of Two Cities are rather large book? I really can't remember, but I always thought it was. Maybe because I thought it would never end. :] Well, good luck with that one and I hope you like it.

CrazyDay said...

I read this book in 8th grade, and I hated it. I never really gave it a chance though. I just kind of read it with an attitude that I wouldn't like it. If you have that kind of attitude, then even if you might really like it, you will tell yourself you don't like it, no matter what it is.

So far, I'm actually enjoying the book for a change. It's a pretty good book so far, even though I sort of remember most of the parts to it from last year.

KuroiKisu said...

You're right. TKAM is a pretty boring book, but if you actually take the time to understand's not half bad. I've read better...and I don't get why some people obsess over it...but it's still OK. I guess.

Lacy Jo said...

Im glad to see that reading more than one book at a time for you is not that big of a shock as you were expecting. On the other hand im jealous because it is exaclty wat i thought it would be. I find myslef confusing my books a lot so right now im keeping my main focus on ...To kill a mockin bird which matter of fact hope gets interesting soon, because i do not think it is that entertainin right now :(.....i enjoyed reading ur blog!