Friday, March 2, 2007

my top 20

1. I can play 4 instruments and taught myself all of them.
2. In second grade I wrote a summary longer than the book I was to summarize.
3. I write my own music.
4. I have played full-contact football since I was 5 years old.
5. I have dislocated my left shoulder 5 times, my right shoulder 3 times, my left hip once, my right hip twice, and both of my knees once.
6. The first time I ever broke a bone was when I was lifting weights in eighth grade.
7. I broke my sternum and fractured both of my index fingers playing football.
8. I have given other people 10 total black outs, 1 concussion, 20 nose bleeds, I have broken someone's arm in half, I have broken someone's leg, and I mad someone cough up blood for 3 minutes, all from playing football and wrestling.
9. I developed exercise-induced asthma when I was in seventh grade.
10. I have met Bo Jackson and Art Still.
11. I have met all the Kansas City Chiefs players.
12. I have been to 8 different states in the last 3 years of my life.
13. I get free tickets to all of the Kansas City Chiefs home games.
14. I have been invited to Australia to wrestle in the Junior Olympics.
15. I went to 3 State Wrestling Tournament 3 times and placed twice.
16. I was projected to win the Liberty Nationals in Kansas in eighth grade but I dislocated my shoulder and had to have surgery.
17. I'm going to Notre Dame this summer for a week!!!!
18. I wear size 17 shoes but they don't look that big. =D
19. I missed to school to go to the World Series this year!!!
20. I have been to 2 baseball All Star Games.


Anonymous said...

You went to the world series! Awesome - you better have been routing for the cardinals

KuroiKisu said...

Wow, you have a really intresting life! You tend to get yourself into trouble a lot don't you?

lild7hinascc said...

interesting... i think i kno who this is

Scarlett_Rose said...

DANG!!!! Don't you think it might be time to stay out of the hospital, yet?

notre_dame_bound said...

I guess you could say that I get into alot of trouble. Yeah, I skipped school one day to go to the world series and yes I was routing for the cardinals. I have to since my uncle used to work for them.

cavalierschick said...

I just don't like techno. I'm open to all other music, but I just haven't found a good techno song yet. If you know one, let me know. You write your own music? That's amazing. I try, but I quickly forget what I wrote or end up not liking it. What instruments do you write your music for?

Crouching_Tiger said...

You should join the wrestling team.

notre_dame_bound said...

I'm going to wrestle next year. My doctor said to take a year off of wrestling after my surgery to give all of my tendons and ligaments time to fully heal. I will wrestle next year though.