Thursday, May 31, 2007

Saying Goodbye

Why is it that every time I have to write an essay that really matters, nothing pops into my head that sounds good? It's like this whole benchmark thing, I think if i hadn't had known that this was being graded by other teachers and that it was a benchmark, I would be so much more relaxed and be able to concentrate.

Anyways, so there is only 5.5 days of school left!! This year feels like it has flown by so fast.
By this time next week we will officially be Sophomores. (not like being a sophomore is that great)

okay...get to commenting.

Something Ironic...

A month ago my mom was diagnosed with diabetes and it made me really aware of portion sizes. Now, after a breif history, here's the ironic thing. You know how the school's took out all the pop machines because of America's overwieghtedness? They took out pop, and teacher's aren't allowed to hand out, like, a tootsie roll for prizes for the same reason, or atleast at my mom's school. Yet, they still have candy machines, and they other sugary drinks in machines. Plus, did you know that the main meals served here at our school are actually two servings more than what it should be. When you eat pasta, a serving size is a cup, which is the size of your fist, or there abouts. Now, the other day when I got my lunch, I noticed that the serving spoon is about a cup, and they put three spoon fulls on my plate. I find that very hypocritical. They take out certain things, but not lunch? I think that should be where the school's start. In the cafeteria kids have to eat something (and sometimes they have no choice of taking their lunch), but in the pop and candy machines, it's totally optional. Give me your thoughts!

testing, along with art

How did everyone enjoy the benchmark test yesterday? I personally thought it was pretty easy as far as time and answering went. Im a little bit worrie d about today's test though, im not sure how long it will be, or if im gonna get finished in the required amount of time. I hate doing big long essays, and im also confused about our last final, are we just doing one big blog? Are we gonna get to talk about whatever subject that we want to? I dont think i listened well enough but thats what i took from the description. I know its a little late but did everyone enjoy the extra day added on to the weekend? I know I did, and the weather was really nice too.

Today's art is hand painted by alex grey, it was done in 2001, and took two years alone to paint, Its called one, and it signifies the joining together of two people's souls to form into One.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


today we took the course final and i feel very good about my test. i thought that the test was relatively easy. one plus was that the short story they provided was a very well written story, one that i could get into and enjoy, and overall understand better. i had some trouble with the cartoon though, but still i think that i did well. it was only an opinion question also, those are kind of hard to miss. I really don't like tests like these because i always take them way to seriously. Sometimes to the point where i can think straight or concentrate. But o-well. Our other half of the final with be relatively easy. What do you think?

The Fellowship of the Ring

Recently i have started the book the fellowship of the ring. A long time ago i read the hobbit and liked it a lot. So i decided to start the trilogy. I haven't seen the movies yet so i guess that after I'm done reading the books ill watch all of the movies. I really enjoy reading J.R.R. Tolkien. The only problem is that sometimes the writing is a little bit old fashioned and i have trouble reading it. Also it seems that it is a slow read and that I'm not really getting very far in the book. But other than those things i really enjoy the book. if you have read the book then i would really appreciate input.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm not even making this up

Hey everyone. How was your weekend? Mine was really good, but Monday was really weird. I don't know if any of you watched the news, but some interesting things happened. On Monday, a drunk man was chased by the Springfield police through a few people yards until he was captured in the parking lot of Redeemer Lutheran Church having to use tire spikes and a taser gun. So here's where the story for me got interesting. My yard was one of the yards that he drove through! I live on a dead end street at the very end. I was sitting in my room and happened to look out the window as the blue truck came screeching into the neighborhood. He kept picking up speed, going about 60 mph, hopped the curb, and drove through my backyard and into the trees. Two police cars quickly showed up, parking in front of my driveway and jumping out with guns on foot to follow him. By now, I had moved away from the windows and from what my dad saw, the guy then reemerged from the trees and drove out of my backyard, past the cops, and down the street. What was also really amazing was that for a drunk guy, he was a really good driver. He missed our sprinkler system, tether ball post, trampoline, swing set and then many tress that could have totaled his car, not to mention the cops. If you want to watch the video or read more about what happened, here is the link. Other than that, my weekend was really boring but I never thought I would be able to tell that story. These are all pictures that I took from my bakyard.

tire marks from where the driver went into the trees

tire marks around the swing set

Skid marks leading up to where the driver jumped the curb

Monday, May 28, 2007


We took the test on friday and i thought it was pretty easy. I didn't even use study guide except to get dates. If you had read the book you would have done well on it. I think i did pretty good on it even though we all thought it was going to be really hard. What did everyone else think?

Memorial Day!

I hope everyone is enjoying the 3 day weekend. Mine has been okay. I'm just glad we get Monday off. What has everyone done this weekend?

Sunday, May 27, 2007


So on Friday I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. It was definitely the best movie I have seen in awhile. I believed it was 10x better than Spiderman 3. Pirates 3 was a lot funnier than the other 2 movies plus it had a lot more action. Did anyone else see it? What did you all think?

Want Book Suggestions?

Hey, I know a lot of people are looking for books to read. I went to Barnes & Noble and read a bunch of summaries then wrote down the titles of the ones that looked like good books. So this is my list to read.

This is the same author who wrote "Ella Enchanted".
Summary at§ion=3

This is the one that I want to read the most.
Summary at§ion=3

Summary at

This is a series that looks really good. It is about this girl who has nightmares about death. And they relate to people in really life and they mysteriously die and she has to figure out who killed them.

Summary at

The Decoding of Lana Morris
Summary at

Summary at

The truth about forever by Sarah Dessen
Summary at

Golden By Cameron Dokey
Summary at

No Shame, no fear by Ann Turnbull
This is a historical fiction. It is set in England in 1662. It's about a Quaker girl and a boy from a wealthy family who meet and fall in love.

I tried to find a variety of books, so hopely this helps you. I am going to read as many of this as I can over the summer.

60 second plays

So we are performing our short plays on Tuesday. From seeing everyone's first drafts of their plays, I know some are going to be hilarious. I am not sure if my group is ready though.
I don't know about you guys but now that we have finished Romeo and Juliet, I just want to be done with it and focus on free reading. I haven't been able to read as much as I would have liked to, so I'll be happy when we are finished with the short plays. But I am looking forward to seeing the plays, because I bet they will be really funny.
So time is ticking until we get out of school. Are you guys doing anything fun during the summer? I'm going to a wedding in Europe.


I saw the third Pirates on Friday. It was really good. I went right after school so I bet the crowd. It was a zoo when we left. I also found a book called Pirates! by Celia Rees. So if you like the pirate movies maybe you might like this book.

I went to Barnes & Noble and got this book. It looks really good. Its 1724 and two girls find refuge on a pirate ship. One is a runaway from a plantation and the other is running away from an arranged marriage. If a pirate's life wasn't hard enough, they also have to escape from a cruel Captain who is following them. Plus the girl who ran away from an arranged marriage wonders if her sailor friend will "love the pirate she has become." That is pretty much the summary on the back, except in my own words. I thought it looked really good. I'll let you know what I think of it when I am done.

Jack Sparrow

With the Pirate of the Caribbean movie coming out this weekend, I also learned that there are Pirates of the Caribbean novels. It's called Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow. It's supposed to be about Jack when he was a teen. So basically it's a prequel to the movie series. So if you're looking for a book/novel related to the series, then you could check out Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow series. Also, did you know the series stemmed from a theme park ride?


So, everyone probably noticed differences between the older Romeo and Juliet movie and the newer Romeo + Juliet. I feel the older one stuck closer with the story line. However, had less of an emotional feel, compared to today's theatrics. The modern version seemed to stray away from the story line, because of the limitations between the old and newer world. Yet, I seemed to have liked it more. What do you guys think?

Pirates 3

I just saw Pirates of the Carribbean: At World's End with my dad and brothers. I loved it. The movie starts out with Elizabeth, Will, and Barbossa going to save Jack from Davy Jones' Locker. Well, they save him and then they do a bunch of stuff and battle bad guys. Well, they mentioned the goddess Calypso. I remembered Calypso from the Odyssey, who fell in love with Odysseus and kept him captive on her island. Well, Calypso plays a semi-important role in the movie and it felt cool to know who Calypso was then. The movie was better than Dead Man's Chest, but not as good as Curse of the Black Pearl.

Romeo and Juliet

I really liked Romeo and Juliet a lot more than I expected. I think it's a really great story, except I really hate the ending. I think the newer edition of the movie was extremely sad because she wakes up before he dies, but not in time to stay together. Honestly, that is one of the saddest things I have ever heard of, I started crying silently. It might just be because I am a real romantic, I love love stories. But I liked the older version where he was already dead when Juliet woke up. There isn't quite as much suffering that way.

Body of Evidence

I just finished my book, Body of Evidence by Patricia Cornwell. It was a pretty good read, kind of long but good all around. It's about a young writer, Beryl Madison that gets murdered. Kay Scarpetta(the main character) is investigating her murder.Days later Beryl's adoptive father was murdered, and her adoptive mother commits suicide. It's all al little bit strange. Then Kay Scarpetta starts getting stalked just like Beryl complained of to the police before she died. If you want more then read the book!

Help Is On The Way.

Hello everyone. I know this is the end of the year ... but does anyone know any good books? I'm going on a trip to Cocoa Beach, and when I'm on the beach, I would like to read. If you could give me ideas, that would be great! I like romantic, mysterious, adventerous, well, I pretty much like everything. Thanks! =-]

Memorial Day Weekend

I hope you all are having a great weekend. I can't believe that tomorrow is Memorial Day and we have to go to school this week. I can't ever remember getting Memorial Day off and then having to go back to school. Normally we are alreading out by then. Well we don't have too much longer to go. We can make it. Depending on when you are reading this, do you or did you have any fun plans for Memorial Day? The weekend has been kind of crummy. No sun or blue sky it is kind of depressing. Even though the sun isn't out it is still fairly warm, so since most pools open over this weekend you had fun swimming. Well I don't have very exciting plans for Memorial Day. I just thought some of you might have some fun stories to share. So hope you have a great three day weekend. Woo Hoo! We haven't had one of those in awhile. See you all on Tuesday.

Pirates 3 " At Worlds End"

This past weekend I went to see the movie Pirates of the Carribean 3, " At Worlds End" I really enjoyed watching it even though it was about 3 hours long. I personally think that this one was a lot better than the first 2. There was a lot more excitement and humor in this one. It begins with them in Singapore with Captain Barbosa, they are trying to get a map to the world's end so they can free Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones Locker which he was trapped in when he died by the Cragon which ended up dying as well. They do free Jack and there journey takes them to many places which I will not mention because I don't want to give away a whole lot. But I will say that the movie has a wide open ending which leaves room for a possible 4th movie with the Fountain of Youth.

Romeo and Juliet

Are you guys glad to finally be done with Romeo and Juliet?
I am. I didn't really ever get into Romeo and Juliet. I'm not excited to start writing again. It's not my favorite. I like reading a lot better. Are you guys excited to start writing?
I hope we get to do fun stuff. Not boring writing assignments.... I hope you guys had a great weekend. Enjoy Monday off!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Juliet and Romeo

We are finally done with using our books and also done with Romeo & Juliet! I think the book was great and I enjoy Shakespeare. I wouldn't mind to read Shakespeare again. Enjoy your 3 day weekend everyone!

60 Second Shakespeare

SO on thursday we did our sixty second shakespeare plays. I thought they were pretty interesting. We all got to act out are different parts and I thought our group did pretty good. We got act 4 and we were going to sing but that kninda fell through. I did really wish we would have gotten a fight scene but its good non the less. Did you guys like it?

Pan's Labyrinth

I just saw the movie, Pan's Labyrinth. I would have to say that it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. At first, the Narrator(Pan) tells of an underworld princess who was curious with the human world, so she escaped to it and was blinded by the sun, where she eventually died. But her soul was reincarted into this little eleven year old girl named Ofelia. Ofelia goes to live with her mother and her new step-father, Captain Vidal, during the Spanish Inquisition. Ofelia finds a labyrinth where she meets Pan who is a faun. He tells her that she must complete three tasks before the full moon so that her soul will not be made mortal. So she must complete these tasks. On the side, the Captain is trying to rid Spain of guerilla warfare where the guerillas believe in equality. The Captain is sadistic, evil, greedy, and torturous. Ofelia must deal with the opression of him and she must care for her sick mother who is pregnant. This story is amazing and the movie is so compelling. It's really beautiful and the little girl who plays Ofelia is fantastic.

It reminds me of Romeo and Juliet. At the beginning of both stories you are given some lead-on as to what happens and finally the beginning makes sense at the ending. Also, both movies are tragedies in their own way. Pan's Labyrinth has a happy ending, but through the course of the whole movie, tragic things happen that are quite saddening. But it was very comedic in the Shakespearean sense, in Romeo and Juliet, throughout the play, but then had a tragic ending.

I reccomend this movie to all. However, the violence is incredibly graphic with mangled hands, gouged eyes, slit throats, and a lot of blood spatter. It's a fairy tale for a mature audience. It's rated-R, so make sure your parents will let you see it.

If you can get past the violence, then you will truly love this movie.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Today we finished Romeo * Juliet with our test. The test wasn't that hard and I thought I did pretty good. How did you all do on your test?

Book Sale

I went to the book sale earlier today. I found three books that looked good. The one i'm reading right now is call a million little pieces by james fray. It's a really good book. It's about this guy who had done drugs and drank since he was 10. His parents send him to this clinic. The book goes on to tell you what happens while he's in the clinic. The book is a little graphic though. I higly reccomend this book to anyone!


Hey guys!! How has your week been? I am so happy that we only have like two weeks left of school. How about you? My freshman year has been so memorable and I hope yours has too.

I am really excited about acting. Our group is taking care of Act three and it is kinda hard considering all of the parts, but we did narrow it down a little bit. We decided to act it out in the background while the narrator is saying what is happening and what is going to happen. I think that it is cool that it is going to be put on the 60 second Shakepeare site so that others can see it. I also think that it is cool to see other people acting out thier acts. Are you having fun with the acting? I know I sure am!!

Hope that you all have a great, safe weekend with lots of fun!!

Memorial Day Weekend

I don't know what I am going to end up doing this weekend. I will probably go and try to see Pirates 3 but I don't know yet. Another Possibility is going to the lake with a few of my friends and tubiing and just hanging out. I am really looking foward to a short break from school.

Whats everyone doing this weekend?


We did really well with our little presentations in class. Even though we had only a little time to do it we pulled it off. I really liked performing like this and I got some questions answered while the presentations were going on. I very much enjoyed our little theater during class. Comment on what you liked about our presentations.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Youthful Acting

WOW! Our acting skills have a lot to be desired, you know that. While our acting jobs weren't they best, they were pretty amusing! It reminded me of little kids' performances. All though, considering the fact that we had so little time to prepare, they were really kinda good. I'm not sure which one was my favorite, I really liked them all (except the one I was doing!), they were so much fun!

Our Own Globe Theater

So today in class we each performed a different act of Shakespeare for 60 second Shakespeare. My group did the prologue and it took quite a bit longer than 60 seconds, probably more like 260 seconds. We didn't have much time to practice the lines and some of the actions didn't go quite as planned, but I figure that we did fairly well for doing this acting on a spur of the moment. I still have a ton of unanswered quiestions from Act 4 and 5 that I really hope we go over tomorrow in class.



We finished the dvd and video versions of Shakespeare and they are quite different. The last scenes didn't show Paris at all and the directors took the ending differently. In the dvd, Juliet woke up but watched Romeo die in her arms. In the video, Juliet saw Romeo already dead and then she killed herself. I liked both of the versions but preferably the dvd because it is more modern.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Recasting the Stars

On her blog, Ms. James linked us to a post that talked about recasting Romeo and Juliet. This is who I think should be who:

Romeo: Jake Gylenhaal Juliet: Cameron Diaz Friar Laurence: Michael Caine

Mercutio: James Franco Tybalt: Tobey Maguire Benvolio:

Capulet: Alan Rickman Montague: Gary Oldman Count Paris: Adrien Brody

Nurse: Imelda Staunton Lady Capulet: Debra Messing Lady Montague: Sally Field

That's really all I got. I know some of these actors and actresses aren't very well known, but you can alway look them up on the IMDB. So I think this is something interesting to post about.

make a differance

Lately ive really been seeing alot of things started from that post of reading great books six, and i just wanted to say, dang. Its been an eye opening experience to see some of the blunt things said and to everyone's opinions on it, and i just wanted to mention a quote.

" We must be the change we want to see in the world " --Ghandi

So yea, there it is, make a difference today in someone's life, always try to set the good example and be the bigger person. I really enjoyed the short but sweet post that Phasma posted, they made a good point. Its time that we all took and stand and made the difference.

Today's art is a piece by alex grey, called the vision crystal, i dont really know what it is, but I do know that its a very talented and detailed painting.


I enjoyed watching both of the Romeo and Juliet videos. However I enjoyed watching the modern version better. The differences between the two movies are very clear. In original movie it goes exactly with tho text, and is a very old theme. The characters wear different clothes than the characters from the modern video. Also in the modern video, the director added things in the movie such as drugs, guns, and fast cars. I believe they did this because it would get more attention from people today than the older layed back version. What about all of you, what do you all think about the two movies? What differences do you see?

Free Reading

I have been reading a book by Stephen King lately and it is really good. It is not one story but yet a collection of short stories. Some of them are a little...well...strange but still good. I have never read any of his books before but I think that I may try to read some others. How about you? Have you read any of these books?

I am so glad that Romeo and Juliet is finally over, but know we will have to take a test over it :( I still have so many questions that I have not yet answered on the study guide and so I feel really far behind.

I am so excited for this weekend to come because I get to go and see Pirates of the Caribbean with one, or more, of my friends. I have been waiting for this for a long time and I am kinda sad that this is going to be the last one. So, are any of you doing something exciting this weekend? Hope that you enjoy the rest of the school year!!

For never was a story of more woe...Than this of Juliet and her Romeo

So we have reached the final scene of our Romeo and Juliet unit. I have to say i am a little sad but in truth, we really dont have any more to go! This is a truely great story and i an glad that we read it. I wonder though, what would have happened if it went the other way and they diddnt end up dieing. Would the fued have ended because the marrage of the two children? or would it have made it worse? But, if they had not died, this story may not be the greatest love story of all time and Shakespeare may not be the greatest playwright and writer in all of history either. So, we wish that they had lived but sience they diddnt, they will live on forever.

Which one do you like?

Anyone excited to be done with Romeo and Juliet? I liked it, but it was starting to get a little boring for a while. How did you guys like it? I really enjoyed it, but I thought at times it got dull and hard to understand. What I did like about the play was how compelling the play was written. Shakespeare wrote all of the emotions that the characters so wonderfully. He really showed the true emotions of people and how people respond to the different chain of events. What I also really liked about reading Romeo and Juliet was how different the two different movies were when we watched them. In the older version, I thought it was interesting to watch everything take place in an authentic setting with the true text. Compared to the newer version, the older one was more true to the story line and gave a beautiful image of the story that seeing it on stage would never offer. The new one, however, let's the audience connect to issues that they know all too well and offers images that we are all accustomed to. I really like the new one because I feel like I can identify more with the characters because I see them in modern clothes and in modern settings. I think overall I really like the modern one better, but there are some parts I've liked better about the older one than the newer. What do you guys think? Which one do you like better?

Haunted Hotels

So have you ever heard of the Cresent Hotel in Eureka Springs, AR?
Well its a "haunted" hotel, or atleast thats what they think.
Here are some pictures of some ghosts that people have taken pictures of..

taken on the stairs of the second floor of the Crescent Hotel.

Two ghosts above the bed and orbs. Frisco, one of the hotel's house cats looking on, obviously seeing something.

Room 202 on March 24 and saw something strange in one of our photographs. A friend took a picture of us sleeping in the morning and there is a peculiar silhouette of a man with a brimmed hat looking over us.
It is not a shadow and we can see the side of the man on the pillow. Nobody in the room even brought a hat to the hotel with them.

Got these pictures from--

Yeah I just thought it was strange, I dont know if I believe in ghost.

Do you?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's All Over

So, we're all done with Romeo and Juliet. What did ya'll think? I liked the ending, as morbid as that sounds. You know, I'm fairly positive I can say I relate to Juliet. Not in the way that I've killed myself or had a lover (or husband) die, but in the way that I can see that the timing issue and unending bad luck spell would happen to me. Things very rarely work out how I want them to, or expect them to, and so this would be about my luck. Granted, I wouldn't go to the extent of killing myself because my husband was dead, but hey, to each his (or her) own, I guess.

Finally Done Reading

Today in class we finished reading Romeo and Juliet! I never thought we would be done reading it has been done. Today during the last half of Act 5 I was the friar. The lines seemed to drag on forever. Plus I had (what felt like) a million line long soliloquy. I messed up a few times but the speech went surprisingly well in my opinion. I don't know about you guys, but I also have a ton of unanswered questions on the study guide.


I Ask of You...

Monday, May 21, 2007


I've been watching a lot of movies lately and have really begun to appreciate the characterization actors put into their portrayals. Right now, my favorite actors are Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman, and Gary Oldman.
I really didn't know who Johnny Depp was until the Pirates movies, but I got into his other works and found him to be quite the actor. I love how he takes unconvential roles like Edward, a boy with scissors for hands, to Willie Wonka, the notorious candymaker, all the way to Sir James Matthew Barrie, who created the wonderful world of Peter Pan and never really grew up.
Alan Rickman pretty much has the greatest British accent ever to exist. I know that is irrelevant to his acting, but it's pretty cool. Most people know him as Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies. But I really enjoyed his roles in Love Actually, a charming romantic comedy, Die Hard, a great action movie, and Something the Lord Made, a drama about pioneering heart surgeons.
And lastly, but not least Gary Oldman. This guy can play evil so good. You can make evil bad by making it menacingly cheesy or little too creepy for people to understand. He plays villains just right. He was a Russian terrorist in the action movie, Air Force One. A sadistic art dealer in The Fifth Element. And he was Jim Gordon, in the latest Batman movie, who isn't evil though. I really like how he shows true, raw emotion in his films.
So I was wondering if any of you guys had actors or actresses that stood out to you by their portrayals in films. I love movies and I'm sure a lot of you do too. What are your favorite actors?

Juliet and Romeo

I was just wondering if anybody else thought of how weird the time was in this play. Romeo and Juliet fall in love and get married the next day. It seems kinda strange. I wonder if that actually happened then, if people thought they fell in love that quickly. What do you guys think?

Great Book

I just finished a book called Jude and it was amazing, honestly I couldn't even put it down. It was about a boy that grows up in a bad part of town with his dad. His dad told him that his mom left him when he was little. Then his dad gets shot by drug dealers. It turns out his mom is the head DA and he goes to live with her. Anyway later he gets accused for dealing drugs and goes to jail for five years. There is a huge twist , you've gotta read this book.

We are a controvercial generation... GO US!

I think that the post that was made on reading great books 6 was really controvercial. I know that I have had my fair share in controvercial subjects and thats fine. But what was really upsetting is the way that people responded to the things that that person wrote about. Its really not fair that they were so mean the that person just for sharing their opinions. Just like i was bashed when I posted that one thing. Its probably batter that we dont post about such controvercial issues anymore on these class things because kids these days are alot more strong minded and respond quickly and sharply to anything different than they believe. Its really risky to post about something that EVERYONE has an opinion because your gonna get EVERYONES opinion on the matter. Let alone 3 different subjects that cause such a ruckus as it is.


This weekend I watched alot of cool movies, one of them was a movie called blow, starring Johnny Depp. It was about the life of George Jung, a boy who grew up in a small town, and during college he and his best friend moved out to california, Where the new fad was getting stoned. He didnt have a job, and was too lazy to do a bunch of work, so his friend got the brilliant idea of dealing. He built up his reputation to the point where he needed alot. He stole a plane and got busted with 639 pounds of grass. He goes to jail, and as soon as he gets out, starts dealing coke, and the rest, is up to you to find out, its an interesting movie, and its kind of cool to watch the rise and fall of a mastermind right in front of your eyes.

Today's art is a painting by alex grey called the lightweaver, its signifying something super natural, and im gonna get back to you guys on it as soon as i find out what it means, meanwhile, check out his personal website, with all his paintings on it.