Hi everybody!! How was your week? I am so glad that it is finally Friday!! This week seems like it has gone on forever and I thought that it was never going to end. One week from today, my favorite movie of all times is comming out with the third and final part, Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End. I don't know about you, but I am a huge pirates fan!! I have kinda already made plans to go and see it with some friends and we are planning on going on opening night and I am so excited!! I just hope that we can get tickets in time. Are any of you pirates fans??
Now about another movie, Romeo and Juliet. I really like the new version better and I am glad that we got to watch it yesterday. I also want to see the older version so that I can compare the two of them. Hope that you all have a great weekend and enjoy the nice weather!!
I love Pirates! Not as much as the spiderman movies, but I still like it a lot. I think I'm going to go see it with my family and then I will more than likely go see it with some friends.
It seems like they just came out with one of those.
I am so excited about the movie! I get to see it along with Shrek the Third (whenever it comes out) with my buddy who is graduating this year. It is one of our last things I get to do with her before she moves away but I am looking forward to the movie.
Thanks for the comment and ya I feel the same about not seeing them because they are going to college :( but that will be us someday... But about your blogg im not a realy big fan of the pirates of the carrabean, I have to admit i have not even seen one of the movies :(
WOW I have never known anyone to have not seen any of the pirates. You should watch them. If you like adventure then you would definately love it!!
I am so excited about the 3rd Pirates, they are the best movies ever. My sister is already out of school when it comes out, so she is going to see it during the day- I keep begging my mom to let me out of school to go see it 2!
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