I was watching the news last night and they said a line from Shakespeare. It was on our local Fox channel. I don't remember what the story was or what exactly they were talking about though. But the guy on there (I think his name is Jeremy)was talking about something when he said "What's in a name". That is a line by Juliet during the balcony scene. I was amazed to hear it in real life. Romeo and Juliet just seemed like a play that English teachers make you read. But it has influenced our language and our culture. It has even influenced our news.
This might sound weird, but I like the news. They give you information about all kinds of things. The news has been around since before colonial times. (the 13 Colonies)Then later on, the paper boys who stood on the corners and yelled, "Extra, Extra, Read all about!" News is even in Wallace & Gromit.

it's odd but many people actually quote from Shakespeare all the time!
I know as soon as Ms.James told s that in class pretty much every movie I watch now has a line from Shakespeare.
ya now pretty much everything i watch i notice something from shakespear, which is cool but it gets kind of annoying sometimes.
ya its amazing how much a play from that long ago can still influence people today.
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