Monday, May 21, 2007

Honey, Baby, Sweetheart.

I got this book the other day at the library. I haven't got very far in it, but one of my friends has read it and says its really good. So far the kids' father as come back for a nice visit, so they think. There mother always goes into the pattern of falling back in love with her ex when he comes to visit, and crying when he leaves. The children see the pattern and are sick of it. They try to keep their mother's feelings safe, but she doesn't listen to them. Then there is this love story of the main character and this guy who lives down the street. They seem to be moving pretty fast, and it doesn't seem like a realistic relationship. She is a nice girl, but when around him she acts like a different person. That's about as far as I have gotten. I will keep you posted.


KuroiKisu said...

What do you mean by..."she acts like a different person?" How does she act like when she's around him?

mellofelloet said...
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mellofelloet said...

It sounds like a really good book. I hope you enjoy it and I hope that you will blog about it when you get into it.

Scarlett_Rose said...

This book sounds good. Keep us posted about it.

1dayi'llfly said...

My friend was reading this too. I plan on reading it when i can check out books at the library again. When you finish tell me how it was.