Its almost here but everyday seems like an eternity. Only three weeks left though so i think ill make it. Im going to be having a busy summer this year mainly because i have to get a job to pay for a car, then im going to a bunch of different camps. The first one is church camp which is the first week after school is let out, then im going to go to a few basketball camps. The one which I am most looking foward to is the basketball camp im going to which is at CMU in fayette Missouri, last year I went to the same camp and it was awesome so I hope it will be again.
What is everybody doing for summer?
I can't wait until school is out either! I am also going to an overnight camp away from my parents- can't wait!
I am so ready for the summer to come and for school to be over. I am also excited about no longer being a freshman!!
I can't wait either! I have a friend who lives about 20 minutes away who today is their last day. But she starts earlier than we do, so it all works out.
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