I saw the third Pirates on Friday. It was really good. I went right after school so I bet the crowd. It was a zoo when we left. I also found a book called Pirates! by Celia Rees. So if you like the pirate movies maybe you might like this book.

I went to Barnes & Noble and got this book. It looks really good. Its 1724 and two girls find refuge on a pirate ship. One is a runaway from a plantation and the other is running away from an arranged marriage. If a pirate's life wasn't hard enough, they also have to escape from a cruel Captain who is following them. Plus the girl who ran away from an arranged marriage wonders if her sailor friend will "love the pirate she has become." That is pretty much the summary on the back, except in my own words. I thought it looked really good. I'll let you know what I think of it when I am done.
Pirates was great, but it was SOOOOO LOOONNNGGG!!!!!!
I loved it!
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