Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Courage of The Unknown

Hey, ya'll, the other day Mrs. James was posted about courage, so I thought I would post about that. In my opinion, you don't have to know about something in order to be brave about it, but then it does help. Actually, if you're capable of going against something you don't know about, I think that would make you more courageous. I say this, because the knowledge of bad thing to come gives you time to prepare, without the preparation time, you have to go into battle without any arms. No matter what you're fighting, be it sickness, an enemy, or your own heart, this theory would come into play.
On the other hand, if you know about something, you have the choice (in most cases) of running or staying to fight. So, I guess either way you would be brave to fight something. With Juliet she chose to marry, without her father's consent, even knowing the consequences that were possible. I'm not sure if that was brave, stupidity, a mixture of both, or just really romantic. What are your all's thought on the matter?


agurlwithfaith said...

I really enjoyed your post. The title was awesome. You did an amazing job. I do agree with you.

Scarlett_Rose said...

Thank you. Would you rather know or not?