Friday, May 18, 2007


Summer is right around the corner and i am more than ready for it. I am getting tired of everything. I'm tired of school, I'm tired of running, tired of general biology honors and just in general tired. If any body knows me it takes a lot for me to get tired of running but i am. I'm ready for doing nothing and being lazy. I'm planning on going on vacation this year. we will either go to Galveston Texas or gulf shores. I'm really excited.

How about you?


Eliza101 said...

I agree. I think that the school making us go to school for three more weeks is so stupid. I usually get tired of school thought after the first month.

KuroiKisu said...

oOoOo! That seems like fun, and sometimes school is pretty tiring...but it's not like you can come back to highschool! Make the mot memories that you can and someday you'll just laugh when you look back it it!
I hope you have a good Summer vacation! I'm planning to chill with my dad down in Texas for a while! :)

agurlwithfaith said...

I am going to Cocoa Beach, Florida this summer with one of my friends. We are flying down there to go see my grandma. I'm excited to get away and relax at the beach for a week! Well I hope you have fun on your vacation! =-]

Anonymous said...

I understand you there! School, sports, homework, tests... it's exausting! I can't wait for summer to just relax.