Friday, May 18, 2007


I need a new list of reading books. I am reading a book right now that is a love story set in the 1940s. I don't know how well I like it. I am waiting on books on hold at the library. It seems to take a long time for them to come in. I would like some advice on some books and authors that are good. Hope that you have some good recommendations. Before school is out I would like to have a long list to read over the summer. So anything you could suggest would be great. I have a pretty busy summer schedule and I would like to be able to squeeze some reading into that time. I can't do that if I don't have anything to read. I am in a rut reading right now. I just finished a series that has fifteen books in it. It feels weird to read something different after such a long time of one series. I can't seem to get into any other books. Please help. It's Friday! Hope you all have a terrific weekend.

1 comment:

CrazyDay said...

The Stand by Stephen King. I'm about 600 pages into it, and it has around 800 altogether. It's a great book.

It was written around 1980 so it might be hard to find. If you can find it, I would definitely pick it up.

It is quite literal and dirty though, with lots of cursing and other foul things, but it just seems to add more character to the book in my opinion.

It's about the world after a super pandemic hits it, and has a 100% death rate, and 99.7% communicability.

But rebuilding isn't the only thing the few survivors have to worry about. There's another presence looking for them, mocking their efforts..

It's a really suspenseful and great book if you can get into it.