Hey, I finally finished my book. I haven't had time to finish it so it has taken me like a month to finish it. Plus it is like 300 pages and it has small font. The book was really good, I cried at the end. The ending totally took me by surprise, but I won't ruin it for you.
Though it had a good story and ending, it was more lengthy than it needed to be. The beginning went slow. I just had it push myself to the end, but it was worth it. I have a friend who thinks that if a book isn't over 200 pages long then it isn't worth reading. But if this one was shorter, I think it would be a better book.
I definite would suggest this book. This former reporter has a lot of talent and has written a unique story about two girls living with their mother and abusive stepfather. It is one to put on your list to read.
I might check it out.
This sounds like a good book. I will put it on my summer reading list. Thanks for the review.
That looks like a really cool book. Has the author written any other books that you've liked.
I have read any of her other books, but I have looked at a site where it tells about her other books and hundreds of reviews. I know she has written two other books named "But Inside I'm Screaming" and "Everything Must Go". Because of the reviews I can tell that she likes to write about psychological issues. Me & Emma was good so I'm sure her other books are good as well.
I mean I have not read any of her books. Sorry I typed it wrong.
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