Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm not even making this up

Hey everyone. How was your weekend? Mine was really good, but Monday was really weird. I don't know if any of you watched the news, but some interesting things happened. On Monday, a drunk man was chased by the Springfield police through a few people yards until he was captured in the parking lot of Redeemer Lutheran Church having to use tire spikes and a taser gun. So here's where the story for me got interesting. My yard was one of the yards that he drove through! I live on a dead end street at the very end. I was sitting in my room and happened to look out the window as the blue truck came screeching into the neighborhood. He kept picking up speed, going about 60 mph, hopped the curb, and drove through my backyard and into the trees. Two police cars quickly showed up, parking in front of my driveway and jumping out with guns on foot to follow him. By now, I had moved away from the windows and from what my dad saw, the guy then reemerged from the trees and drove out of my backyard, past the cops, and down the street. What was also really amazing was that for a drunk guy, he was a really good driver. He missed our sprinkler system, tether ball post, trampoline, swing set and then many tress that could have totaled his car, not to mention the cops. If you want to watch the video or read more about what happened, here is the link. Other than that, my weekend was really boring but I never thought I would be able to tell that story. These are all pictures that I took from my bakyard.

tire marks from where the driver went into the trees

tire marks around the swing set

Skid marks leading up to where the driver jumped the curb


Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard about that, it is really weird that he went through your yard. I am a member at the church you mentioned too!

Ms. James said...

Wow! Good job reporting (photos, too)! You have a beautiful backyard. . . Lucky that no one got hurt,too. You even have a link to the news report of the event...Doesn't that seem unreal?

Eliza101 said...

WOW I am so glad that he did not end up like killing you and even that your yard did not get that much damage to it!! That is so wierd!!

Anonymous said...

wow that must be an exciting experience. Thats very strange

mellofelloet said...

wow, great story.

Anonymous said...

that is crazy!