Friday, May 25, 2007


Hey guys!! How has your week been? I am so happy that we only have like two weeks left of school. How about you? My freshman year has been so memorable and I hope yours has too.

I am really excited about acting. Our group is taking care of Act three and it is kinda hard considering all of the parts, but we did narrow it down a little bit. We decided to act it out in the background while the narrator is saying what is happening and what is going to happen. I think that it is cool that it is going to be put on the 60 second Shakepeare site so that others can see it. I also think that it is cool to see other people acting out thier acts. Are you having fun with the acting? I know I sure am!!

Hope that you all have a great, safe weekend with lots of fun!!

1 comment:

SHS21 said...

I can't wait till schools out.