Thursday, May 31, 2007

Something Ironic...

A month ago my mom was diagnosed with diabetes and it made me really aware of portion sizes. Now, after a breif history, here's the ironic thing. You know how the school's took out all the pop machines because of America's overwieghtedness? They took out pop, and teacher's aren't allowed to hand out, like, a tootsie roll for prizes for the same reason, or atleast at my mom's school. Yet, they still have candy machines, and they other sugary drinks in machines. Plus, did you know that the main meals served here at our school are actually two servings more than what it should be. When you eat pasta, a serving size is a cup, which is the size of your fist, or there abouts. Now, the other day when I got my lunch, I noticed that the serving spoon is about a cup, and they put three spoon fulls on my plate. I find that very hypocritical. They take out certain things, but not lunch? I think that should be where the school's start. In the cafeteria kids have to eat something (and sometimes they have no choice of taking their lunch), but in the pop and candy machines, it's totally optional. Give me your thoughts!


Anonymous said...

i never thought of something like that, interesting

Anonymous said...

Interesting point, sorry about your mom.

Scarlett_Rose said...

I thought it was very interesting.
It's cool, there's a blessing in everything, if you look hard enough, the blessings in this situation would make a long list!

Eliza101 said...

yea my mom has diabeties as well and it is not only hard on her but hard on the family as well.

Scarlett_Rose said...

It's not really hard on myself, only my mom, she doesn't realise it, but she thinks it bothers me more than it really does. She seems to think that it bothers me that she can't have things, therefore I won't eat it, and that's what bothers me the most!

ice skate dreamer said...

That is very true. If they are trying to make the schools healthier they should do all or nothing. There are many other ways to get sugar in school and sweets. They should portion size more if they are going to do anything.

Scarlett_Rose said...

I agree, ice_skate_dreamer! It really should be all or nothing!

CrazyDay said...

I bring my lunch. It's a lot more nutritional and a lot cheaper too.

Sometimes the school lunch isn't that great anyway, when I do eat it occasionally.

CrazyDay said...
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Scarlett_Rose said...

I most usually bring my lunch, but the last couple days of school, my mom decided I would eat at school.

cavalierschick said...

I don't know. You control how much you eat and what you do eat. Everyone knows when you get full so when you are, stop eating. True, they would save money if they made smaller meals, but we're old enough now to know how much to eat and when to stop.