Friday, May 18, 2007

No More School!

Wow I cant believe school is almost over. This year has gone by so fast for me. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was walking into this school for the first time and having no idea where I was going. Now it feels like I have been going here all my life. I cant believe that it was the last day for seniors today. Its going to be weird not having them around. All those rumors about the seniors being mean to the freshmen turned out to not be true, for me at least. The seniors that I got to know this year didnt treat me like a little freshmen, they treated me like a friend their own age. Next year, when were sophmores, the gap will be even closer. I dont know about you guys but I am so excited for next year. Everyone will be getting their driver's licenses and our parnets wont have to drive us around anymore. We will finally have freedom! Adults always seem to say that highschool is the best four years of your life, and right now I think they are right.

1 comment:

Eliza101 said...

Yea I agree. I don't think that the seniors were really nice. All of my senior friends treated me like they had known me forever when I actually met them this year.