Thursday, May 31, 2007

Saying Goodbye

Why is it that every time I have to write an essay that really matters, nothing pops into my head that sounds good? It's like this whole benchmark thing, I think if i hadn't had known that this was being graded by other teachers and that it was a benchmark, I would be so much more relaxed and be able to concentrate.

Anyways, so there is only 5.5 days of school left!! This year feels like it has flown by so fast.
By this time next week we will officially be Sophomores. (not like being a sophomore is that great)

okay...get to commenting.


Scarlett_Rose said...

I hate it when years go by quickly. It's just another year that has gone by that puts us another year closer to graduation and college, niether of which are on my "can't wait" list!

mellofelloet said...

I know! I am ready for break! It doesnt seem that great that we are just going to be sophmores but it means that we have 2 more 2 more years of high school left! Have a great summer!

cavalierschick said...

yeah, it was really weird, but I think it's a pretty cool story.

Erin said...

The essay question was very blah. I think it was one of the essays I have ever written, because who could be creative about community service. But it's hard to think that eventually, we have to leave the momma bird's nest and go out into the real world really soon.

Lacy Jo said...

omgsh i know i hate when i am told to write something, i do so much better when i can free write. And yea i know only like 4 days left i am so happy. Hope you sophmore year goes well. :)

CrazyDay said...

I don't like being restricted to a certain topic. I write some things better than other things, and I'm not too great about writing persuasive essays about teenagers making a difference.