Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pirates 3

I just saw Pirates of the Carribbean: At World's End with my dad and brothers. I loved it. The movie starts out with Elizabeth, Will, and Barbossa going to save Jack from Davy Jones' Locker. Well, they save him and then they do a bunch of stuff and battle bad guys. Well, they mentioned the goddess Calypso. I remembered Calypso from the Odyssey, who fell in love with Odysseus and kept him captive on her island. Well, Calypso plays a semi-important role in the movie and it felt cool to know who Calypso was then. The movie was better than Dead Man's Chest, but not as good as Curse of the Black Pearl.

1 comment:

mygame_tennis16 said...

It was really good. I thought it was better than both of the first 2 movies.