The Producers, a delightfully risque, outrageously funny, and and over the top musical garenteed to make your mother blush. This is my favorite musical that has been recently released. I absolutly love it because the songs are raunchy and hilarious and the script is hysterical! From outrageous songs like Keep It Gay to heartfelt melodies like Till Him, The Producers is sure to excite and entertain all audiences. And the storyline is the best! A scheming producer Max Bialystock and his mousy accountant, Leo Bloom discover that under the right circimstances they could make more money producing a Broadway flop than they could with a hit. The story evolves from there as our producers meet the hilarious characters that add to the catastrophe. But when their sure-to-offend musical becomes a surprise sensation, the whole thing goes speeding off in another hilarious direction. I am really excited because this show is coming to Hammonds hall this weekend and i cant wait! I am going to go see it friday night adn thats only two days away! Yaaaay! Im sure that due to the risque nature of this show, some closed minded people wont like it. But more will LOVE it like I do! For those of you questioning youreselfs about it, go rent the movie! its got a great cast with big names like Will Ferrell, Uma Thurman, Matthew Broderick, and Nathan Lane. I recommend this musical to anyone whos looking for a great laugh! Untill later,
keep it gay, keep it gay, keep it gaaaayyy!
i have not seen that but from what you say, it sounds like it is really good!!
Sounds like a good movie/musical. I might have to check on that. I watched a hilarious comedy called "Best of Show" but that musical sounds great. Thanks for the good idea.
I love this musical, it is comming soon here. actually saturday. i would recomend for everyone to get a chance to see it.
I love this musical! It's so funny. I'm trying to get a friend to sneak me in, so I think I might get to go on Sunday which would be amazing. I really hope I get to go! :]
I would actually like to keep it straight, keep it straight, keep it straaaaaaight! LOL!!!
ha ha im going on friday... tonight so yea! im glad that some of you have seen it!
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