Friday, May 18, 2007

Nineteen Minutes

I have started this new book called Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. I am really enjoying it. The story is about a town called Sterlling (in New Hampshire) and nothing ever happens in that town. Well, one day there is a very strong act of violence at the high school. The states best witness is a girl who cant even remember what happened, and to top it all off her mom is the judge for the case. As the book goes on you find out more and more about the suspects lives starting from when they were little to when they have grown and are seniors in high school. As I was reading this a few questions popped into my mind Maybe you all could help me out.


1) What does it mean to be different in our society today?

2) Who- if anyone- has the right to judge someone else?

3) Could your very best friend become a mystery to you just like that?

I hope you can help me answer my questions. I hope you have an amazing weekend and see you all on Monday!


cavalierschick said...

I really want that book. I love Jodi Picoult.

1. to be different in our society is to go against the norm, either in a good or a bad way.

2. no one has the right to judge anyone. Anyone who does is not comfortable with themselves so they have to make poor asumptions about others. You have no idea about what anyone is going through or what they have been through, so do judge them is really lame.

3. Of course. People change. Even if they're your best friend, they can not tell you things and if it gets to the point where it's too much, they will change and because of that they might seem like a completely new person.

cavalierschick said...

well, it's well worth getting.

mellofelloet said...


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a really interesting book, is Jodi Picoult the author that wrote about the girl suing her parents?

mellofelloet said...

yes she wrote My Sisters Keeper. I havent read that but i have heard that it is really good.