How did everyone enjoy the benchmark test yesterday? I personally thought it was pretty easy as far as time and answering went. Im a little bit worrie d about today's test though, im not sure how long it will be, or if im gonna get finished in the required amount of time. I hate doing big long essays, and im also confused about our last final, are we just doing one big blog? Are we gonna get to talk about whatever subject that we want to? I dont think i listened well enough but thats what i took from the description. I know its a little late but did everyone enjoy the extra day added on to the weekend? I know I did, and the weather was really nice too.
Today's art is hand painted by alex grey, it was done in 2001, and took two years alone to paint, Its called one, and it signifies the joining together of two people's souls to form into One.
It seems most of Alex's pictures have eyes of some sort in them. Kind of odd.
I think if someone showed me a random picture and it was his, I would be able to guess correctly that it was his. He has some pretty distinguishable work.
Our last final is just typing the "best blog ever". She said that it should be over a book that we have read that has changed the way we view a topic.
It seems most of Alex's pictures have eyes of some sort in them. Kind of odd.
I think if someone showed me a random picture and it was his, I would be able to guess correctly that it was his. He has some pretty distinguishable work.
you always post the coolest pictures. It's really added to the blog. :]
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