Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Respectful Eyes

O.k., so get this, in the book I'm reading this girl was raised on a Japanese island, and the way she was taught to respect men is lowering her eye when they're in the room. She can't complain, speak her mind, raise her eyes, show hardly any skin, or else her father it shames her father. Her dad got mad at her the one time she forgot and raised her eyes while he was in the room.
It's actually rather amusing, actually, because in her little village, they had no appliances that we take for granted. For instance, a coffee maker, she'd never seen one before she visited her brother who moved to Hawaii. I, for one, find that rather amusing. Along with never seeing a coffee maker, she'd also never seen a toaster, swimsuit, computer, or a remote! I'm not sure I could live without most of these things. Then again, you can't miss something you don't know exists. Go figure! I'm not sure I could lower my eyes every time a man came in the room, they'd just have to get over it!


cavalierschick said...

She couldn't raise her eyes? That's really weird. I don't have very good speaking skills and some days tend to look at the floor when I talk, but that's crazy!

Scarlett_Rose said...

I agree, it is crazy!

Anonymous said...

I know that i wouldn't ever be able to lower my eyes every time a man comes in the room. Besides, my favorite part of having eyes is looking into other people's eyes. I think that's dumb that they have to do that, what makes men so much better than women there?

Scarlett_Rose said...

I'm not sure why men have always had it in their heads that they're in charge, but I agree, it is dumb!

Scarlett_Rose said...

I agree, ~ima_dumb_blonde~, but if that's how we'd been raised, we'd think it was normal, and more-than-likely, think nothing of it!