Friday, May 18, 2007

Have you ever caught yourself wondering what God has in store for your future? Have you ever wished you could see your future? Well, I certainly have. I think about the future all the time actually. I wonder who my husband will be, what my kids will look like, how many kids I will have, where I will live, will I have a dog or a horse, what kind of house will I live in, and all sorts of things like that. Everytime I think of the future, I catch myself wanting so bad to see it, but then if God told me he would let me see my future, I would say no. I know that sounds like I've lost my mind, but I wouldn't want to ruin it for myself. If I looked at my future, it would ruin everything. I would know what my whole life would be like, and then what? I guess my point is just to live everyday by everyday, and to be thankful for everything you do have, not everything you don't. If you think about it, we're so blessed just to see and hear and smell and to touch. Some people never know what the beach looks like, or even less, they can never hear their parents say, "I love you." This week, just be, thankful.


Anonymous said...

excellent post, great point

i wish i could say that i thought that way

Anonymous said...

That was an awesome blog, sometimes you just need to relax and be really thankful.

Phasma said...

It's important to appreciate good fortune in one's life regardless of religious or ethical preferences or what Higher Being (or lack thereof) in whom one believes. But then, is it not also equally important to appreciate the unfortunate circumstances in one's life and around the world? These things shape our character as individuals and nations as well. Perhaps contemplating each makes the other that much more significant....

Eliza101 said...

I really like your post. I think that we take so much for granted that a lot of people do not have.

mellofelloet said...

Wow, I thought that this was my favorite post I think. It really got me thinking about all sorts of things in my life. This was really good. I liked it alot.

Crouching_Tiger said...

That is really a good point. No matter if one believes in God or not, it is a good point. So many people live life without a purpose or without caring about others. It really is a key in life to become emphathetic of others, and in the end, you'll become a better person and will enjoy it.