Monday, May 21, 2007

Tee hee hee..

Honestly, I thought that reading about how Readinggreatbooks6 was

insulting each other was really funny. Although, we had a time like that

but who really cares about politics and abortion! ^_^

Okay, so school's almost over, and yet, I still have nothing to blog about

I really need a great book to read but no one would post some good ones

that would really intrest me! :(

So what do you think is your best post? If you tell me I'll go back and read

it! ^^"

Okay, so in question 8 of the worksheet (that we just got) it say that what subjects or areas

could you research online that would enrich or enhance our literature and writing discussion?

I don't really know what we would research on that would deal with English, in general. :)



So if you PLEASE post some good books...(please not Gossip Girl >.<")


1) So what did you think about how some people respond to politics and


2)What would you like to do before the end of English class?

3)What was your favorite post last week? ^_^



cavalierschick said...

Oh, man. The way those people responded to abortion was horrible. I really didn't care about what side they believe in, but the way they brought it up was not the best. I think they could have handled it better.

KuroiKisu said...

oi oi, I know what you mean! They didn't have to call each other RETARDS! Now that's just rude ^_^ but who cares? :)

never_give_up said...

There's a book i just read called Jude, and it was amazing. I love it, you should check it out!

Eliza101 said...

Right now I am reading some short stories by Stephen King.