Friday, May 18, 2007

Yes and No.

I already posted about Crank but I forgot to put something in my post that I now just remembered. Since we've been young, we've always been told to say no to drugs and other risks. We sometimes think we will always say no. But have we ever been in a situation, where we were brave enough? In Crank, when Kristina/Bree meets Adam, they basically fall in love, but Kristina/Bree does meth because she wants to be loved more Adam. There are so many situations that you can land yourself in where your either have to say yes or no. I just hope that I never have to face a situation where I either have to do what right or what is popular. I think this book made me realize that your brain says don't do it, but sometimes the outside forces can overwhelm your ability to say no. I think it's always harder to say no to somebody. What about you guys?