Monday, May 21, 2007


I've been watching a lot of movies lately and have really begun to appreciate the characterization actors put into their portrayals. Right now, my favorite actors are Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman, and Gary Oldman.
I really didn't know who Johnny Depp was until the Pirates movies, but I got into his other works and found him to be quite the actor. I love how he takes unconvential roles like Edward, a boy with scissors for hands, to Willie Wonka, the notorious candymaker, all the way to Sir James Matthew Barrie, who created the wonderful world of Peter Pan and never really grew up.
Alan Rickman pretty much has the greatest British accent ever to exist. I know that is irrelevant to his acting, but it's pretty cool. Most people know him as Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies. But I really enjoyed his roles in Love Actually, a charming romantic comedy, Die Hard, a great action movie, and Something the Lord Made, a drama about pioneering heart surgeons.
And lastly, but not least Gary Oldman. This guy can play evil so good. You can make evil bad by making it menacingly cheesy or little too creepy for people to understand. He plays villains just right. He was a Russian terrorist in the action movie, Air Force One. A sadistic art dealer in The Fifth Element. And he was Jim Gordon, in the latest Batman movie, who isn't evil though. I really like how he shows true, raw emotion in his films.
So I was wondering if any of you guys had actors or actresses that stood out to you by their portrayals in films. I love movies and I'm sure a lot of you do too. What are your favorite actors?


Stella_in_color said...

I really like Matthew Broderick, Nathan Lane, Geoffery Rush, Johhny Depp, Matthew McConohey (sp?) I especially love Mr. Depp Because he is such a versatile actor he can go from such a serious role in Secret Window to an intense and cocky role like in Pirates,then to a ridiculously silly, mythical role like Willy Wonka. I admire actors who can do that and not many can these days.

Eliza101 said...

My favorite actors are Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Antonio Bandaras. I also agree with stella.