Friday, May 11, 2007

Among the Bears

For biology I am reading a book called Among the Bears by Benjamin Kilham. It is surprisingly good for an educational book. So one day the National Fish and Wildlife Association callls him up and tells him they have two cubs that need a home. Kilham was the only one in the area that had a license for that, so they contacted him. He doesn't want to get to attached to the bears because he has to set them loose in the wild eventually. Kilham names them LB and LG for little boy and little girl. Throughout the first quarter of the book he tells about them growing up and all the stories of their cub days. LG ends up getting shot and having the bullet removed, but she died hours after the removal because of an infection. LB got shot by a hunter. Once again Kilham gets some more cubs, but now he is no longer unaware of how they live and all the details of cub life. So he goes into this motherhood of the cubs a little bit more experienced, and that's as far as I have gotten so far.


Anonymous said...

oh thats really depressing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds like a really good book, but also really sad. I hate it when animals die!