Friday, May 11, 2007

You Can't Take It With You!

Today I saw the musical play, You Can't Take It With You. I thought that all the hard work they did payed off! It was hard to tell that they were even acting, which is hard to do when you have a big crowd watching every move you make. The characters' made the play interesting and funny. All the characters' did great! Who all saw the play? If so, did you like it?


Anonymous said...

yeah I saw the play, and I thought it was kind of boring in the first half, and it really didn't have a plot. Although it was pretty funny.
But I don't think I would go see it again.

Eliza101 said...

I went to see the play and I really liked it. I thought that it was completely different. I was in My Fair Lady and it does take a lot of time to get something like that ready.

Erin said...

I really liked the play. I really enjoyed the Grandpa character.

cavalierschick said...

It was . . . alright. I really don't like plays, but I love musicals so I loved My Fair Lady. I think I went and saw that one three times. I really liked the Russian characters. They were all really good actors, but you have to admit there were some really awkward moments.

gobluedevils042 said...

i didnt get to go see it but it sounds really cool. I wish I would have bought a ticket.

SHS21 said...

I saw it and it was boring to me.