Friday, May 18, 2007


Who thinks these next three weeks of school are useless?

Ozark, Rogersville, Catholic, NCA, all get out either today or sometime next week, and were stuck in school for an extra 2 weeks. Honestly, I dont think it's cool that we have to stay in school even longer because of something that we couldn't do anything about. Do you?


cavalierschick said...

The only thing is that we take finals on the last few days of school, unlike those schools. Nixa also gets out . . . either today or next Friday. I don't think it's fair to be going this late, but the other schools started earlier than us. I don't know, but I'm not to upset about it.

Lacy Jo said...

I totally agree with you!!! I it was a natrual disaster, and also the teachers are running out of things to teach us, I mean really thats like ten months of school!!!
I think we need to get out like today! ha ha :)

mellofelloet said...

I can completly understand what you are talking about. My mom is a school teacher and she complains about it every day. I am upset too, mainly because the state forave us for those days but SPS is making us go for the extra week.

Eliza101 said...

I think that it is not fair. I also think that it is not fair that we have to take finals. At other schools, if you have perfect attendance, then you do not have to take them.

CrazyDay said...

Eliza, that is a dumb kind of logic to me. Finals are there to test your knowledge and what you've learned through the year.

Perfect attendance doesn't reflect what you've learned at all.

It may seem easier to just not have finals, but it kind of gives you an image of where you are, and what you really learned.