Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Drama, Drama, Drama!!

Hey! How is everybody? Hope that your week has gone good and that you all tell your mothers, "Happy Mothers Day" and then give them a big hug!! (That is if you want to!!)

So I noticed that everyone was posting about the third Spiderman, and I am very sad to say that I haven't seen it and I am glad that none of you have ruined it for me, because I do plan to see it...soon. I am really excited about seeing everybody act out their scenes in class on Monday. My group has a short scene and there are not many characters in it so it makes it kind of hard but we will manage. I was just wondering, have any of you ever been in theater or ever done any plays? I remember doing those little kid plays like "The Three Pigs" and others in like third grade... those were the days. But have you ever done real theater. I guess that you could say that I have because I was in My Fair Lady, but that was just the pit, not the actually acting parts. I think that it would be really fun to be on stage and act in front of people, but it would probably also be nerve racking!! Do any of you have a case of stage fright? Or even have trouble speaking in front of others? I used to be really shy but I think that I am not as shy as I used to be.

Can't wait to see all of the scenes acted out!! Have a good week!!

1 comment:

bumblebee15 said...

Yeah, I remember those 3rd grade plays. But I have to say, that you have done more with plays than me. I never been in the pit and I probably never will. You played really well for "My Fair Lady". Good Post!