Friday, May 4, 2007

Ghost Girl

I finished Ghost Girl, and it was very WEIRD! Torey( the teacher) heard all of Jadie's (the troubled child) stories, and Jadie tells them as if they were real and they really happened. The stories were about how her and her two younger sisters got molested by this group of people in masks and capes. Torey thinks that the parents are satanists, or something like that, in an ocult. So Torey calls child services and they take the girls out of the home temporarily to figure things out. However, Jadie won't talk to the police for a week. Finally, Torey convinces her to talk, and Jadie tells a police all about it, and her sisters are taken into foster homes immediately. It doesn't have too great of an ending, it doesn't resolve anything. I'm not sure I would've read this book if I knew what was going to happen. Creepy thing is, is that this is a real story, it actually happened! That scares me, that little kindergarten girls and younger can be getting sexually abused at home, and they're too afraid to tell, so nobody finds out until they are older and it stopped happening. It has such an impact on their emotional and physical well-being, it could destroy a little kid.

1 comment:

bumblebee15 said...

So I am guessing that since the teacher's name and the author's name are the same, that the teacher wrote about this experience?