Friday, May 4, 2007

Picture Poem


As the limo pulled to the side of the curb,

we jumped our with excitement.

Sand hitting our legs from the slap of flip-flops,

which came off without a fight.

Feet scorched by multicolored sand beneath them.

Running down to where water was,

would give our feet the rest they needed.

Water felt so good as the tide came in,

while seaweed wrapped its arms around us.

I could have smelt salt water miles away.

But I didn't have to,

it was right there in front of me.

Going back to dry sand,

we decided to make a memory of that day.

Imprinted into the sand went our hands,

the date not forgotten as well.

Looking up into that beautiful sky,

light fluffy clouds embraced us with their warmth.

The sun smiled down on us,

giving pleasure to the day.

A soft gentle breeze made me look to the diamond like water once more.

Taking my eyes on a journey,

to where the sky and water meet.


1dayi'llfly said...

Your poem is good! I like it. I like the picture too. It's very pretty! Good job!

Anonymous said...

great poem i like the picture